New Year’s Resolution . . . with a twist
As we enter this New Year, perhaps some of us are contemplating our New Year's Resolutions.
I've always attached significance to the passage into a New Year, but I have not been one to make New Year's Resolutions.
This year, though, I will! But with a twist!
Among the many approaches to New Year’s Resolution vying for our attention as 2023 gets underway, one succeeded in capturing mine:
"What is something you did this past year that I'd like to keep doing?"
What I love about this question is that it brings my attention to what I’m already doing that meets important needs for me. It invites me to acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate what already supports my well-being. It encourages me to draw from my experiences, my strengths, and my successes. It also gives a sense of continuity between the past and the future. I don’t need to start over, to start from scratch. I can ride the momentum that I have already created.
One thing that I’d like to keep doing as 2023 unfolds is to continue cultivating a curious awareness of my feelings, moment by moment as much as possible; and cultivating an awareness of the thoughts behind the feelings; and how my thoughts and my feelings inform my choices; and how my choices drive my actions.
I want to continue bringing intentionality to my actions by asking myself the following questions:
What is driving my choice of action in this moment?
Where am I putting my attention?
What am I thinking right now?
What am I feeling right now?
What am I needing right now?
What about you? What is something you did last year that you want to bring forward into 2023?